The Christmas Lecture On

Wisconsin Public Radio

Science Fridays on
National Public Radio

Larry and Bassam

Professor Shakhashiri is a frequent guest of the Larry Meiller Show
on the Ideas Network of Wisconsin Public Radio.

His next appearance will be on September 30, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.

Below is some information about past shows.

June 10, 2024
The Larry Meiller Show

The Chemistry of Fireworks

Recommended Reading for All Ages


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April 1, 2024
WUWM Milwaukee's NPR

From the lab of Shakhashiri, Wisconsin scientist muses on the election, the elements and the arts

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February 26, 2024
The Larry Meiller Show

Jury rules for climate scientist Michael Mann
in long-running defamation case

Passion is not misconduct

A conversation with Mythbusters' Adam Savage

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October 30, 2023
The Larry Meiller Show

Why many scientists are now saying climate change is an all-out ‘emergency’ (The Washington Post)

Window for Meeting Key Climate Goal Is Even Narrower Than Thought (The New York Times)

Personal and community action: What can you do

Guest Editorial: Celebrating Carl Djerassi
(Chemical & Engineering News)

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August 28, 2023
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

June 26, 2023
The Larry Meiller Show


About the seasons: A Private Universe

A caller asked about mathematical equations for the sun radiation striking the Earth. Here is one set of equations.

Something Was Messing With Earth’s Axis. The Answer Has to Do With Us.

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April 24, 2023
The Larry Meiller Show


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April 18, 2023
Holden Thorp on The Larry Meiller Show

Thorp is editor-in-chief of Science Magazine, and his visit to Madison was hosted by the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy.

Listen to this broadcast

February 27, 2023
The Larry Meiller Show

   Further reading:

   Frequently Asked Questions about ChatGPT,
   from Andrew Maynard at Arizona State University


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October 31, 2022
The Larry Meiller Show

   Topics discussed included:

   Climate Change: Personal and Community Action

   Climate Change Graphics:
   Wisconsin Plant Hardiness Zones and
   Lake Mendota Ice On/Off Dates

   The Chemistry of Autumn Colors

   Test scores show how COVID set kids back
   across the U.S. (


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August 29, 2022
The Larry Meiller Show

   Topics discussed included:

   Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

   Maybe PFAS aren't as sturdy as previously thought

   Gene editing and ethics


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June 27, 2022
The Larry Meiller Show

Bassam received this card from a listener after the show. (click to enlarge)

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February 28, 2022
The Larry Meiller Show


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November 11, 2021
Perpetual Notion Machine, WORT

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August 31, 2021
The Larry Meiller Show

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March 4, 2021
The Larry Meiller Show

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October 13, 2020
The Larry Meiller Show

Read Bassam's remarks about
public confidence in science

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June 10, 2020
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

March 5, 2020
The Larry Meiller Show

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December 10, 2019
WUWM, NPR Milwaukee

"Periodic Table of the Elements Turns 150"

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October 29, 2019
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

September 17, 2019
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

August 22, 2019
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

April 16, 2019
The Larry Meiller Show

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January 28, 2019
The Larry Meiller Show

Climate is always changing—now it’s us

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October 2, 2018
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

August 27, 2018
The Larry Meiller Show

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May 15, 2018
The Larry Meiller Show

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October 23, 2017
The Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

May 16, 2017
Larry Meiller Show

Listen to this broadcast

April 18, 2017
The Kathleen Dunn Show

Listen to this broadcast


Past Appearances 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007,
2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997 and earlier



For more information contact