Dr. Parisa Sarzaeim
Parisa Sarzaeim
Are Tribal Water-Climate-Environment Nexus Databases FAIR and CARE?

I am sure you are familiar with the words “fair” and “care.” For many, fair means justice, and care means compassion. But these words have other meanings to data scientists and data sovereignty researchers. I want to tell my research story about the guiding principles that make databases FAIR and CARE.

The story of my research started a year ago when I tried to find some technical and engineering publications on U.S. tribal water resources management. My challenge was that the more I searched, the less I found. Then I thought about why there are insufficient research publications or engineering case studies in this field. After digging into it, and talking to other researchers at scientific events and conferences, I found out why. Yes! There is a lack of Indigenous data, along with inefficient data system management, for tribal water resources datasets.


Dr. Sarzaeim's fellowship is under the supervision of Dr. Grace Bulltail at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.

  Grace Bulltail