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Bassam Z. Shakhashiri
for ACS President-Elect 2011

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Bassam Z. Shakhashiri

I seek your vote and your help so together we can strengthen what ACS does best for its members and for society.

I will serve ACS as an open and uniting leader.

I will work with you to:

Sustain ACS as the world’s leading scientific organization

Strengthen the total chemistry enterprise: academic, industrial and governmental

Increase public and private support for research and education

Help the public understand the science of climate change

Promote green chemistry and sustainable development

Focus on employment and workforce needs

Enhance the quality and supply of teachers

Improve scientific communications within and among various cultures

Foster international cooperation and collaboration in research and education

Please vote via the Internet or use the “Official Mail-In Ballot.” Electronic voting at is easy and fast after receiving, either via postal mail or electronically, your election packet which contains both your ACS member number and personal election PIN number--both are needed to vote.

View Bassam's Downloadable Election Flyer (PDF)

Download Bassam's PowerPoint Slide

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