Chemical Demonstrations On

In this series of practical handbooks, Prof. Bassam Z. Shakhashiri
and collaborators describe a wide range of demonstrations for
displaying chemical phenomena in science classrooms at all levels.
The demonstrations are grouped into topical chapters, and each
chapter includes an introduction which provides information about the
concepts, terminology, and principles related to the demonstrations.






Order from the University of Wisconsin Press:

Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5

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Once Upon a Christmas Cheery In the Lab of Shakhashiri

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The demonstrations themselves are divided into seven sections:

  1. A brief description gives a succinct overview of the demonstration.

  2. A list of materials carefully itemizes everything you need to perform the demonstration, including chemicals, laboratory equipment, and other supplies.

  3. The procedure section provides step-by step instructions for preparation and presentation of the demonstration.

  4. The hazards section details the specific potential dangers of every hazardous chemical used in the demonstration and, where appropriate, additional potential hazards associated with the demonstration.

  5. The disposal section provides information about discarding or storing the chemicals used in each demonstration.

  6. The valuable discussion section for each demonstration provides, often in considerable detail, the chemical phenomena and principles illustrated by each demonstration. If includes appropriate chemical equations and quantitative data. These analyses enhance the book's usefulness by facilitating the teacher's explanations of the phenomena that occur in the demonstrations.

  7. A list of references details sources of additional information.


The series is also being translated into Japanese and other languages.


For more information contact
Contents of Volume 1 Contents of Volume 2 Contents of Volume 3 Contents of Volume 4 Volume 2 Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5