Photo Gallery

Prof. Bassam Z. Shakhashiri


Bassam is featured in the Discovery Mural, titled “Landscape of Discovery,” housed in the Town Center of the Discovery Building. Created by artists Alicia Rheal, Sharon Tang and Amy Zaremba, it's inspired by the intersections among art, science, and technology. The mural is interactive and educational with 9 hidden QR codes to discover while viewing.
It was commissioned by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.


With former student James Spychalla,
who was in Bassam's class in 1975.
Taken February 6, 2025.

With Laszlo

With Wisconsin State Representative
Dave Considine, 81st Assembly District,
at the Sauk County Founders Day celebration at Baraboo Country Club, April 28, 2019.


With Wisconsin State Representative
Gary Hebl, 46th Assembly District, at
UW-Madison Day at the Capitol,
April 10, 2019.

ACS-SF 2017

With Laszlo

With Prof. Pierre Laszlo at the 253rd ACS Spring National Meeting in San Francisco, April 3, 2017.


With Dr. Donna Howell of Park University
and Dr. Christopher Hobbs of Texas A&M Kingsville at the 253rd ACS Spring National Meeting in San Francisco, April 2017.

Dr. Howell writes:
"Thank you for bringing science to me as a child and inspiring me to pass that on."

ACS-SF 2017


Bassam's 2016 UW-Madison Department of Chemistry Headshots

Photo credit: John Wingren/UW-Madison


With Brooke Levin,
UW-Madison Class of 2017

Brooke attended Canyon Crest Academy
in San Diego, CA, and often watched
Prof. Shakhashiri's demonstration videos
in Mr. Kaveh Shakeri's science class.

Photo credit: Christy Morrow

Sir John Holman

Jerry Bell in South Africa

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg
wears a Science is Fun button at a
black tie reception at Oslo City Hall
on Tuesday, September 6.

The event was hosted by the
Norwegian Government in honor
of the 2016 Kavli Prize Laureates.


With Sir John Holman, President-Elect,
Royal Society of Chemistry, London

August 23, 2016
ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia

Photo credit: Glenn Ruskin

Sir John Holman

Jerry Bell in South Africa

WISL Faculty Associate Jerry Bell gives a climate science workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa. July, 2015


Students of master chemistry teacher
Kathy Dombrink in Ferguson-Florissant School District (Greater St. Louis Area)

Magic Balloon Magic Balloon

ACS Indianapolis

With UW Chemistry alum Joe Calabrese, a 1971 graduate who was part of Larry Dahl's group. He also worked as department Crystallographer for 7 years.  He retired from Dupont in 2008 after working there almost 30 years.

May 2013


Elizabeth Reynolds (left) and
Nadia Drake (right) show off their
Science is Fun buttons atop
Mount Kilimanjaro, January, 2015


With Theodore Gray

With Theodore Gray
before their Wisconsin Science Festival
event, Saturday, October 18, 2014


2014 Priestley Medalist Stephen Lippard on the cover of C&EN

Read his Priestley Medal Address

Stephen Lippard

ACS Indianapolis

With Carl Djerassi and Dudley Herschbach at the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis
September, 2013

Photo courtesy of Linda Wang


With Carl Djerassi at the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis, on the occasion of a symposium honoring Carl's 90th birthday
September 2013

Photo courtesy of Linda Wang

ACS Indianapolis

ACS Founding Plaque

With the ACS founding plaque
New York
April 18, 2013

Thank You Card

Rachel Meidl

One of Prof. Shakhashiri's former students, Rachel Meidl, is excited to receive some Science is Fun items in the mail
February, 2013

Rachel A. Meidl
*Director, Environment & Process Safety
Regulatory & Technical Affairs
American Chemistry Council

* Since the taking of this photo, Rachel has taken a job with the US Department of Transportation, as deputy associate administrator for policy & programs in the Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. In late 2016, she was nominated by President Obama to serve on the U.S. Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board.


With MC Ira Flatow at the Research Corporation for Science Advancement Centennial Gala, March 14, 2012

Photo courtesy of the RCSA


With Alan Alda

With Alan Alda at the Kavli Prize Reception, Oslo, Norway
September 2, 2012

Photo credit: Madeleine Jacobs


Having fun at the San Diego Science & Engineering Festival during the ACS Spring 2012 National Meeting.

Photo credit: Peter Cutts Photography

Having fun

ACS Staff Reception

At the 2012 ACS Staff Reception, Washington D.C.

Photo credit: Arthur Lemmon



Left: Bassam with his wife June at the ACS Heroes of Chemistry presentation at the ACS Fall National Meeting in Denver, August 2011
Photo credit: Linda Wang

Right: Bassam with June and their daughter Elizabeth in Chicago, May 2011
Photo credit: Bob Morrow

With JuneFamily

With Cope Portrait

With a portrait of 1961 ACS president Arthur C. Cope. 1961 was also the year that Bassam joined the ACS, and he was honored this year with a 50-year member certificate. Cope received his PhD from UW-Madison in 1932.

This picture was taken on November 7, 2011 at MIT, in the conference room dedicated to Cope.


Bassam presents HRH Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol of Thailand with a copy of Chemical Demonstrations Volume 5 at the 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress,
San Juan, Puerto Rico,
August 2011.

With the Thai Princess

Presenting the Priestley Medal

With 2011 ACS President Nancy B. Jackson, presenting the 2011 Priestley Medal to Ahmed H. Zewail, Linus Pauling Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Physics at California Institute of Technology.
ACS Awards Ceremony, Anaheim, CA,
March 29, 2011

Bassam chats with Dr. Marty Apple, President, Council of Scientific Society Presidents, ACS New Officers Recption, Washington, DC, January 25, 2011. Marty was special assistant to Bassam in 1990 while serving as NSF assistant director for science and engineering education

With Marty Apple

With Shirley and Seymour Abrahamson

With Wisconsin Supreme Court
Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson
and UW-Madison zoology
Professor Emeritus Seymour Abrahamson,
ACS New Officers Recption, Washington, DC, January 25, 2011


With C&E News Senior Editor Linda Wang, who took Prof. Shakhashiri's introductory chemistry course at
UW-Madison in 1996

Photo courtesy of Rudy Baum, C&E News;
taken at the ACS National Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, March 2011

With Linda Wang
International Year of Chemistry

Bassam chats with Baruch Blumberg, president of the American Philosophical Society at the kickoff of the International Year of Chemistry, January 31, 2011

Photo courtesy of the Chemical Heritage Foundation


With Flemish minister
of Innovation, Ingrid Lieten,
February 2011

Ingrid Lieten

In February and March of 2011, Bassam traveled to Belgium in celebration of the International Year of Chemistry; he appeared at Technopolis, the Flemish science center.

Read about Bassam's Technopolis appearance


With Roald Hoffmann at the Fall ACS National Meeting in Boston,
August 2010

With Roald Hoffmann


Bassam is sworn in as
NSF Assistant Director
June 26, 1984, Washington, DC

With parents Dr. and Mrs. Zekin Shakhashiri and Dr. George "Jay" Keyworth III, science advisor to the President


Addressing the National Science Board at its May 2007 annual meeting

Speech at NSB

Summit on Science

With Chancellor John Wiley at the 2004 "Once Upon a Christmas Cheery, In the Lab of Shakhashiri"

Summit on Science

The Summit on Science, March 2004, Washington DC

With Dr. John H. Marburger, Science Advisor to the President and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy; and Dr. Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education

Featured speaker at the
DuPont Science Excellence Awards
June 2004, Wilmington, DE

With DuPont CEO Chad Holliday Jr. (l) and DuPont Senior VP & CTO Dr. Thomas M. Connelly Jr. (r)

Pauling Symposium
"The Scientist as Educator and Public Citizen: Linus Pauling and his Era"
October 2007, Oregon State University
Journal of Chemical Education
Today's Chemist
Her Lab in Your Life
Advancing the role of
women in chemistry
Spring 2005, UW-Madison
Connecting with state elected officials
Wisconsin State Capitol, with Wisconsin State Representative Spencer Black
Spencer Black
With Glenn and Helen Seaborg
With Glenn and Helen Seaborg
May 1988, US State Department's Thomas Jefferson State Reception Room
With Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle at the Wisconsin Covenant: A Path to Higher Education for Wisconsin Students
April 2008, Madison, WI
Governor Jim Doyle
With Dr. Frank Press
With Dr. Frank Press, President, National Academy of Science, December 1987
Greeting Singapore's Senior Minister of State for National Development and Education Ms. Grace Fu at the Science Weekend Gala, October 2008
Ms. Grace Fu
South Carolina

At the state capitol with Governor Carroll Campbell Jr. of South Carolina, 1987

UW Head Football Coach Barry Alvarez gives a guest enrichment lecture in Bassam's introductory chemistry course,
February 10, 2006
Barry Alvarez

With MIT President Emeritus Chuck Vest (now president of the National Academy of Engineering) on the campus of the American University of Beirut, April 2006


With Dr. Gail H. Marshall, Dr. Sharmistha Basu-Dutt, University of Georgia System Chancellor Erroll B. Davis Jr., and University of West Georgia President Beheruz Sethna, 2008

A Private Universe

20th Anniversary Symposium
"A Private Universe:
Misconceptions in Science"
with Heather Mars-Weber,
March 2008, NSTA Boston Conference

Cheryl A. Martin, chair, ACS Committee
on Public Relations & Communications (left), and ACS Past-President Helen M. Free
presented Bassam with the
2005 Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach
Helen M. Free Award
Boston University
BU Alumni Association Distinguished Public Service to the Profession Award
October 1987, Boston University
South African Teachers
With chemistry teachers
from South Africa
ACS Philadelphia
Presidential Session

With Dr. Virginia Henderson at the African American Ethnic Academy
2005, Madison, WI

With Dr. Virginia Henderson
Vice President Dan Quayle

With Vice President Dan Quayle at The Annual Westinghouse Talent Search, National Academy of Sciences, March 1990, Washington, DC


1987 Presidential Awardee in Science Helen Stone (NC) at a White House Ceremony with William Graham, Science Advisor to the President; John Herrington, Secretary of Energy; Erich Bloch, Director, NSF; and Bassam Shakhashiri, NSF Assistant Director

Presidential Awardee in Science
Presidential Science Initiative Award
Presidential Science Initiative Award
May 1998, Sacred Heart University

With fellow awardees Dr. Willard Welch of Pfizer, for development of the drug Zoloft; Don Herbert, Television's Mr. Wizard; and Dr. Kenneth M. Rosen, Vice President of the Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., for his key role in rotor craft technology


Hach Scientific Foundation
Scholars' Annual Banquet
November 2007, Fort Collins, CO

Hach Scholars
Christmas 2008

Once Upon a Christmas Cheery, In the Lab of Shakhashiri 2008
Demonstrating Chemiluminescence from the Explosive Reaction of Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Disulfide

View the demo here

National Chemistry Day   National Chemistry Day
National Chemistry Day 1987
Science is Fun at College for Kids